Rakoll® 5010A is a polyurethane-based reactive hot melt adhesive. It belongs to the category of 2K liquid reactive adhesives and is ready for immediate use. This adhesive is known for its excellent flocking capabilities. Rakoll® 5010A is specifically tailored to meet the requirements of the automotive and transportation sectors, with a particular focus on applications within automotive interiors.

Product Type: Hot Melt Adhesive, Reactive Adhesive

Application Area: Automotive Interior Trim

Compatible Substrates & Surfaces: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Aluminum, Glass, Metal, Plastics, Polycarbonate (PC), Polyurethane (PU) Foam, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Textiles, Wood

Chemical Family: Polyurethanes (PU)

Features: Good Adhesion, Good Flexibility, Good Flocking, Good Thermal Stability, High Initial Strength, Long Open Time

Technical Data Sheet
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Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Ready-to-Use Product Features
Product Highlights
  • high initial strength
  • long open time
  • excellent adhesion on various plastics
  • high thermal stability
  • good flexibility after complete curing
  • label-free due to residual monomer content < 0.1 %

Applications & Uses

Application Area
Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
Suitable Substrates

Pre-treatment of bonding surfaces:

  • Bonding surfaces have to be clean, dry and free of grease and oil.
  • Polyolefin materials have to be corona-pre-treated or flame-treated.


  • Drum unloader, heating plate and applicator gun can, as a rule, be set to different temperatures.
  • Excessive heat may cause decomposition of the adhesive.
  • Depending on the construction of the equipment, a temperature of 110°C is enough for the heating plate.
  • Due to the short operation time, the application equipment may be run at temperatures of up to 140°C.
  • For tank melters only protective gasses with <5ppm humidity should be used.
  • Positive results have been achieved with nitrogen.
  • Please take care of that packages are used immediately after opening to prevent possible reactions with moisture.

Adhesive application:

  • It is either applied in beads or tapes or as a sheet onto one of the bonding surfaces.
  • Bonding is carried out immediately upon application.

Special attention:

  • Final cure is achieved by reaction with ambient moisture or moisture from the substrate.
  • Curing time depends on the access of humidity to the bonding seam, i.e. the humidity of the substrate, substrate permeability, adhesive film thickness, relative air humidity and ambient temperature.
  • Average curing time for bonding onto wooden materials at a temperature of +20°C and relative humidity of 65% amounts to up to 3 – 4 days.
  • If large surfaces and/or impermeable materials are bonded under unfavorable climatic conditions, the curing time maybe considerably longer.
Application Information

Pre-treatment of bonding surfaces:

  • Bonding surfaces have to be clean, dry and free of grease and oil.
  • Polyolefin materials have to be corona-pre-treated or flame-treated.


  • Drum unloader, heating plate and applicator gun can, as a rule, be set to different temperatures.
  • Excessive heat may cause decomposition of the adhesive.
  • Depending on the construction of the equipment, a temperature of 110°C is enough for the heating plate.
  • Due to the short operation time, the application equipment may be run at temperatures of up to 140°C.
  • For tank melters only protective gases with <5ppm humidity should be used.
  • Positive results have been achieved with nitrogen.
  • Please take care of that packages are used immediately after opening to prevent possible reactions with moisture.

Adhesive application:

  • It is either applied in beads or tapes or as a sheet onto one of the bonding surfaces.
  • Bonding is carried out immediately upon application.

Special attention:

  • Final cure is achieved by reaction with ambient moisture or moisture from the substrate.
  • Curing time depends on the access of humidity to the bonding seam, i.e. the humidity of the substrate, substrate permeability, adhesive film thickness, relative air humidity and ambient temperature.
  • Average curing time for bonding onto wooden materials at a temperature of +20°C and relative humidity of 65% amounts to up to 3 – 4 days.
  • If large surfaces and/or impermeable materials are bonded under unfavourable climatic conditions, the curing time maybe considerably longer.


Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Density (at 20°C)approx. 1.2g/cm³-
Viscosity (at 130°C)11 000 - 18 000mPa.s-
Application Temperatureapprox. 120 – 140°C-
Open Time6Minutes-

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type
Regional Availability
  • Africa
  • Asia Pacific (Excluding Russia)
  • Europe (Excluding Russia)
  • Latin America
  • Middle East
  • North America

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
9 months
Storage Conditions
  • In original sealed packaging protected from sun, dust, moisture and high temperatures.
  • Clean and dry conditions above -25°C and below +35°C.