TEC® LiquiDam® EZ TA-214 is a one-part, highly engineered polymeric emulsion moisture mitigation formula. It is colored blue for visual assurance during application and requires two coats to fully seal the substrate. It dries quickly in as little as 3–4 hours and does not require a primer before applying TEC surface preparation products. TEC® LiquiDam® EZ TA-214 serves as a moisture vapor barrier for installing floor coverings, tiles, and stones.

Product Type: 1K Moisture Vapor Barrier, Moisture Vapor Barrier

Application Area: Floor Coverings, Tile

Physical Form: Liquid

Features: Moisture Barrier, Primerless

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Robert Blackstone

Global Leader - Inside Sales

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Ready-to-Use Product Features
Product Highlights
  • Direct application onto green concrete up to 100% RH
  • 1-part, simply hand stir before use
  • No primer required, before the application of surface preparation products
  • No waste and no special handling required
  • Mechanical preparation, such as shot blasting, may not be required, especially for clean, sound concrete (see Section 5 for Surface Evaluation and Preparation Guidelines)
  • Can be installed over burnished concrete (see Evaluation Condition 3)
  • Same day flooring installation – dries within 3-4 hours
  • Less than 0.10 Perm Rating (ASTM E96)
  • Low VOC. Contributes to LEED® project points

Applications & Uses

Application Area
Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
  • LiquiDam EZ requires two coats, with the following application coverage rates:
  • First coat applied at a rate of 150 ft2 /gallon (3.68 m2 /L).
  • Second coat applied at a rate of 300 ft2 /gallon (7.36 m2 /L).
  • For estimating purposes, this would equate to a combined coverage of 100 ft2 per U.S. gallon (2.45 m2 /L).
  • The finished application must cover the substrate completely without any voids or pinholes to ensure moisture vapor suppression.
Suitable Substrates

New or existing concrete with a maximum RH of 100% or MVER of 25 lbs. per 1,000 ft2 per 24 hours (0.12 kg/m2 per 24 hours)

Limitations Information
  • For interior use only.
  • Do not dilute product.
  • This is not a waterproofing or anti-fracture membrane.
  • Do not bridge existing expansion joints.
  • Use only when temperatures are 50°-90°F (10°-32°C).
  • Do not use where hydrostatic pressure conditions exist.
Surface Preparation
  • All substrates must be structurally sound and free from any contaminants that may inhibit bond, including oil, grease, dust, paint, sealers, floor finishes, curing compounds, adhesives, etc. Weak or contaminated surfaces must be mechanically removed.
  • Mechanically prepared surfaces must support a minimum adhesion strength of 150 psi (1 MPa) when tested per ASTM D7234 (tensile bond test). Substrate temperature shall be a minimum of 50°F (10°C) during application and air maintained between 50-90°F (10-32°C). Adequate ventilation should be provided.
Prior to Application
  • For Static Cracks, Cuts or Joints less than 1 mm wide: remove dirt, debris or existing sealant from all cracks and joints, then treat static (non-moving) joints, cuts and cracks with LiquiDam EZTM by directly applying LiquiDam EZ into the cracks or joints with a paintbrush, to completely coat the walls of each cavity.
  • For Static Cracks / Control Joints 1 mm-3 mm wide: remove dirt, debris or existing sealant from cracks and joints, then use a concrete crack filler, such as TEC Feather Edge Skim Coat or TEC PerfectFinishTM Skim Coat and allow to dry 15 to 60 minutes.
  • For Static Cracks / Control Joints more than 3 mm wide: remove dirt, debris or existing sealant from cracks and joints , then use a concrete crack filler, such as TEC Fast-Set Deep Patch Underlayment 305 mixed with TEC Patch Additive 861 and allow to dry 60 to 90 minutes.
  • For Fast-Track Saw Cut / Static Crack Fill: Remove any dirt, debris, or existing sealant. Use TEC Joint/Crack Filler per product data sheet instructions. Overfill the joint/crack and shave after the material loses tack (typically 45-55 minutes). To optimize coverage, use of backer rod is acceptable for deep joints/ cracks but you must maintain minimum depth of 1/2" with Joint/Crack Filler.
  • For Expansion Joints / Dynamic (moving) Cracks: remove any dirt, debris or existing sealant from cracks and joints. Treat all dynamic (movement) joints with LiquiDam EZ by applying a layer into the joint edges with a paintbrush to completely coat the walls of the cavity. Once dried, fill the dynamic joint with backer rod, leaving a minimum of 1⁄2" (12 mm) open at the top for proper treatment with a sealant.
Suitable Substrates and Substrates Preparation
  • A successful application to concrete requires evaluation and preparation to address any conditions that would prevent a good bond.
  • The following guidelines are provided to assist in this process. Additional evaluation, testing and/or preparation may be required to ensure the above Surface Preparation Requirements are met. It is necessary to evaluate all four conditions. Check for Condition 1 on the entire concrete surface.
  • Conditions 2 through 4 should be checked for at least once per every 50 ft2 (4.6 m2 ) on small applications (1000 ft2 [93 m2 ] or less) and once every 100 ft2 (9 m2 ) on large applications (greater than 1000 ft2 [93 m2 ]). Once you have completed the preparation method, always re-check to confirm the method worked.


  • Surface coatings and/or contamination such as gypsum plaster, joint compound, paint and adhesive.
  • Evaluation: Look at the surface and note the type and location of the surface contamination. Preparation: First scrape off any lumps and loose material.
  • Then use an appropriate cleaning method for the type of coating or contamination.
  • For gypsum plaster and joint compound — Scrub with warm water and detergent to remove any remaining material. Thoroughly rinse off any residue and allow concrete to dry prior to application of any TEC materials.
  • For paint — Chemical strippers should not be used. They may leave a residue or be absorbed into the concrete and later migrate into the surface and cause a bond failure. Paint not easily scraped off should be mechanically removed.
  • For adhesive — Scrape off all the adhesive from the surface first, then remove the layer of adhesive-contaminated concrete by mechanical means.


  • Weak top layer (called laitance) or damaged concrete such as spalling, scaling, delaminating or crumbling.
  • Evaluation: First scrape the surface with a knife blade. If this produces a fine powder, then laitance is present.
  • Then use a hammer or other heavy object to sound out weak or hollow areas. Note the areas that are weak or damaged. Preparation: Weak or damaged concrete must be mechanically removed.
  • Do NOT acid wash or etch concrete because it is difficult to fully remove contaminants and properly neutralize. The acid can penetrate into the porous concrete and chemically undermine it, weakening the concrete. Acid washing will not remove grease or oil.


  • Broom finish or Steel troweled finish (non-glossy) Evaluation:
    • Apply water droplets onto the surface. If the droplets are not absorbed within 60 seconds the surface was treated with a curing compound/ sealer or is contaminated. Preparation: The sealed or contaminated layer of concrete must be removed by mechanical means.
  • Burnished finish (glossy surface) Evaluation:
    • Frequently LiquiDam EZ can be installed over burnished concrete without mechanical preparation.
    • For glossy burnished concrete surfaces, apply test areas to confirm bond strength of at least 150 psi when tested per ASTM D7234 (tensile bond test).
    • Preparation: Glossy burnished concrete surfaces that do not provide bond strength of at least 150 psi must be removed by mechanical means.


  • Evaluation: Wipe the surface with a clean dark cloth. If powder is visible on the cloth the surface is not clean enough. Note the areas that were not clean enough. Preparation: Always use a two step method to remove surface dirt and dust. First use a dry clean broom and sweep the entire surface. Do not use oil or wax based sweeping compounds. They can leave a film on the concrete surface that will prevent a proper bond.
  • Vacuuming: use a heavy-duty industrial type vacuum to provide a dust-free surface. It may also be necessary to follow vacuuming with a damp sponge wipe to remove residual surface dust.
  • Water cleaning — use a stream of potable water with sufficient pressure to remove dust and dirt. When necessary, also scrub with a stiff bristled brush. Remove all wash water and allow concrete to thoroughly dry.
  • Detergent water cleaning — using a stiff bristled brush or broom, scrub the entire concrete surface with a cleaning product intended for concrete or a solution of at least 4 ounces (113 g) of trisodium phosphate per gallon (3.78 L) of warm water.
  • Before the surface dries, thoroughly flush the concrete with clean potable water to remove all wash water and residue. Allow concrete to thoroughly dry prior to application of any TEC materials.
Cleaning Instructions

Mechanical Cleaning:

  • There are several different methods of mechanically cleaning substrates:Abrasive (Sand) Blasting, Grinding, Sanding,Shot Blasting
  • Shot blasting is one of the most effective methods of removing a wide variety of contaminants from concrete.
  • A shot blast machine will remove sealers, coatings, curing compounds and other contaminants effectively, leaving behind a proper surface ready to receive the LiquiDam EZ. Thickness of surface removal must be deep enough to eliminate penetrated contaminants.
  • Your choice of Mechanical Cleaning will depend upon the type and depth of the contaminate to be removed from the substrate.

Mechanical Removal of Existing Flooring Adhesives:

  • Remove existing adhesives by shot blasting. Sanding or grinding are not suitable methods to remove adhesives that have penetrated into the concrete. Be sure to use proper safety equipment for hazardous materials as old cutback adhesive may contain asbestos. Harmful dust may result.
  • Inhalation of asbestos dust may cause asbestosis or other serious bodily harm.
  • Consult all applicable government agencies for rules and regulations concerning the removal of floorings and adhesives that contain asbestos.
Tools and Accessories
  • Skin and eye protection (gloves and safety glasses)
  • Floor cleaning and preparation equipment (shop vacuum, etc.)
  • 1⁄16" (1.6 mm) square-notched trowel
  • Optional: 1⁄32" (0.8 mm) U-notch trowel if applying the second coat by troweland backroll method
  • Paint roller and handle
  • 1⁄4" (6 mm) lint-free nap roller sleeve
  • Cleated (hard rubber) shoes
Application Instruction
  • LiquiDam EZ Moisture Vapor Barrier is a single-component formula. Open the pail and hand stir to a smooth creamy consistency with a paint stick or margin trowel. Be sure to re-blend in any liquid that may have separated to the top of the container.
  • Use a low speed (<150 rpm) mixer to optimize the mixture of the material. High speed mixing can entrain air into the formula. Air entrainment may increase work time to roll out the bubbles. Substrate and all materials must be maintained at 50°F-90°F (10°C-32°C) for 24 hours before, during and after installation.
Recommended Applications
  • LiquiDam EZ is applied in two coats. The first coat is applied at 150 ft2 (13.94 m2) per gallon and must be trowel-applied and backrolled. The second coat is applied at a 300 ft2 (27.87 m2) per gallon and can be trowel-applied and backrolled or simply roller-applied.
  • Lay out the substrate area into one 150 ft2 (13.94 m2) grid (example: 6 ft. x 25 ft / 1.83 m x 7.62 m) to validate the first coat spread rate.
  • After stirring (as noted above), spread one gallon of the LiquiDam EZ, across the grid area with a 1 ⁄16" (1.6 mm) square-notched trowel. NOTE: Do not exceed 150 ft2 (13.94 m2) per applied gallon. Product must be troweled as the first step and followed up in unison with the 1 ⁄4" nap roller.
  • Immediately saturate the roller in the initial application of trowel applied LiquiDam EZ, then backroll the area, to optimize disbursement of the material over the entire substrate. Periodically evaluate the surface to ensure a smooth continuous film. Wet film thickness of the first coat should be 18-20 mils.
  • Allow the first coat to dry 90-120 minutes. LiquiDam EZ is dry when it turns dark blue.
  • Apply the second coat with a 1 /32" (0.8 mm) U-notched trowel and backroll with the 1 ⁄4" nap roller or simply roller-apply the second coat. Wet film thickness for the second coat should be 9-10 mils. The second coat must fill any remaining white pinholes from the first coat.
  • Care should be taken to not gouge or otherwise disturb or damage the dried membrane. Inspect the dried film to make sure there are no pinholes, voids, bubbles or breaks in the membrane. Apply additional LiquiDam EZ to fill all voids and allow to dry. Do not over-work.
  • Once dry, the second coat will appear darker than the first.
  • The second coat MUST dry a minimum of 90-120 minutes before moving to the next installation step.
  • Protect the application area from traffic and other trades until installation of the flooring.
  • After a job is complete, any unused, uncontaminated LiquiDam EZ Moisture Vapor Barrier can be simply resealed securely with the container lid, and then can be used for up to 6 months.
Drying and Surface Preparation
  • Most impervious floor coverings require the application of a TEC cementitious underlayment over LiquiDam EZ for the adhesives to bond properly to the floor coverings.
  • Combined coats of LiquiDam EZ dry in as little as 3-4 hours, depending on surface porosity and ambient humidity.
  • Apply appropriate TEC cementitious underlayment directly to the dried LiquiDam EZ at a minimum thickness of 1⁄8" (3 mm) (no primer is required).
Cleaning Instructions

Clean tools, hands and excess material immediately (while still fresh) with soap and water. Once dry (in 60-90 minutes), this material is difficult to remove.


Color (Properties)
Physical Form
Blue liquid
Physical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Drying Time (at 21°C, RH50%, per coat)90 - 120 Minutes-
VOC Content1.0g/L-

Regulatory & Compliance

Technical Details & Test Data

Technical Data
LiquiDam EZ Moisture Vapor Barrier (214)
In Use Performance Typical Results
Permeability (ASTM E96) < 0.10 at a dry film thickness of 0.03 inches (0.76 mm)]
Adhesion (ASTM D7234) > 200 psi (> 1.38 MPa)
Effect of pH 14 solution (ASTM D1308) Pass
Moisture Vapor Emission Testing

Before applying LiquiDam EZ, refer to the TEC Moisture Mitigation Checklist and use an approved testing method to determine the relative humidity of the concrete or Moisture Vapor Emission Rate (MVER). Approved methods include the use of ASTM F2170 to determine the relative humidity of the concrete or “Anhydrous Calcium Chloride” testing per ASTM F1869 to determine the MVER.

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type
Packaging Information

5 U.S. gallon plastic pails (18.93 L)

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
12 months
Storage and Handling Conditions
  • Store in cool, dry location. Protect from freezing. Do not leave containers exposed to sunlight or excessive heat for long periods of time.
  • Product must be kept at temperatures of 40°-90°F (4°-32°C).
  • Maximum of 12 months from date of manufacture in unopened package.
  • Uncontaminated, resealed partial pails of product can be stored, until depleted, for up to 6 months.