Foster® Weatherite™ Mastic 46-10

1 of 92 products in this brand
Foster® Weatherite™ Mastic 46-10 is a water-based weather barrier mastic suitable for various applications over most thermal insulations, including polystyrene. This mastic offers excellent brush, trowel, and spray properties, is non-flammable when wet, and has a mild odor during application.

Product Type: Coating, Mastic, Waterborne Sealant

Application Area: Air Ducts

Application Method: Brush, Spray, Trowel

Features: Excellent Adherence, Fire-Resistant, Good Flexibility, Good Smoothness, Good Toughness, Water-based

Technical Data Sheet
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Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Ready-to-Use Product Features
Product Highlights
  • WEATHERITE MASTIC has excellent brush, trowel, and spray properties, is non-flammable when wet and has a mild odor during application.
  • WEATHERITE MASTIC forms a tough, fire-resistive dry film that is extremely flexible and provides a smooth, attractive finish being suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.
  • It has excellent adhesion to most foil facings. It can be used on residential low velocity air ducts as a closure joint sealant.
  • WEATHERITE MASTIC complies with current requirements regarding use in meat and poultry processing areas under federal inspection.
  •  WEATHERITE MASTIC meets requirements for LEED IEQ 4.2 Low-Emitting Materials, Paints and Coatings.
  • WEATHERITE MASTIC contains no asbestos, lead, mercury, or mercury compounds.

Applications & Uses

Application Area
Application Method
Preparation and Application Information

Material Preparation

  • Do not thin.
  • WEATHERITE Mastic will appear to be thick, but this is a “false” consistency which breaks down readily on application.
  • Stirring is not necessary.
  • Apply only to clean, dry, oil-free surfaces.
  • Keep container closed when not in use.

Application - Heavy Duty, hot and dual temperature surfaces

  • Follow flashing recommendations when installed outdoors.
  • MAST-A-FAB® Reinforcement : Apply a tack coat of Foster WEATHERITE Mastic at a thickness of 1/32 inch (0.8 mm). This is equivalent to 2 gallons per 100 square feet (0.8 l/m2). Embed Foster MAST-A-FAB® white membrane into wet tack coat. Smooth membrane to avoid wrinkles and overlap all seams at least 2 inches (51 mm). Apply a finish coat of WEATHERITE Mastic at a minimum thickness of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). This is equivalent to 4 gallons per 100 square feet (1.6 l/m2). This finish coat shall be applied no later than 1/2 hour after the tack coat and shall completely cover the membrane. This application shall provide a minimum dry film thickness of 54 mils (1.4 mm).
  • Heavy Duty Applications - Up to 50% Greater Tensile Strength : Apply as above, substituting Chil-Glass #5 as the reinforcing membrane. Note that the membrane weave pattern will show through dried mastic. For best results, prime hygroscopic alkaline cements with Foster 32-22 Protektor® Sealant. Both the cement and the primer must be completely dry before the WEATHERITE Mastic is applied.
  • Trowel Use clean steel trowel. Apply each coat in full thickness before initial set. Avoid excessive troweling.
  • Clean-Up Use fresh water to clean brushes and equipment before product dries. Dry product may be removed with hot soapy water or strong solvents such as chlorinated solvent (non-flammable) or xylol (flammable).


Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Average Weight / U.S. Gallon11.2lbs.ASTM D1475
Average Non-Volatile (by Volume)56% ASTM D2369
Average Non-Volatile (by Weight)66% ASTM D2369
Equivalent Wet Coverage6gal./100 sq. ft-
Drying Time (Set to Touch)2HoursASTM D1640
Drying Time (Dry Through)16HoursASTM D1640
Water Vapor Permeance1.8PermsASTM F1249
Wet Flammability96°CASTM D3278
Application Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Service Temperature Range-29 to 82°CFSTM 70
Flame Characteristics
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Surface Flame Spread5-ASTM E84
Smoke Developed0-ASTM E84

Regulatory & Compliance

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
6 months
Handling Conditions
  • Store and apply between 40°F (4°C) and 100°F (38°C), protect from freezing until dry.
  • To resist rain washoff, allow at least 12-15 hours drying time above 40°F (4°C), with a relative humidity of 50%.
  • Higher humidity or lower temperatures may retard drying. Always test foil and paper facings for acceptable adhesion before using.
  • Outdoor horizontal surfaces must always drain completely.
  • A pitch of at least 1/2" per foot (4 cm/m) is required.
  • Always select WEATHERITE Mastic in the white color for use over Polystyrene on outdoor installations.