ProSpec® Slab Dowel Grout

1 of 15 products in this brand
ProSpec® Slab Dowel Grout is a non-shrink, high compressive strength grout, non-metallic, ideal for placing prefabricated concrete pavements and structural grouting applications.

Product Type: Grout

Application Area: Anchor Bolts, Bolts, Bug Holes, Column Bases, Compressors, Crane Rail, Cranes, Equipment Bases, Generators, Pavements, Precast Slab, Pump, Rebar, Sole Plates, Steel Bearing Plates, Structural Columns, Tilt-Up Panels

Features: Fast Setting, Freeze Resistant, Freeze/Thaw Stability, Good Adhesion, Good Bonding Strength, Good Compressive Strength, Good Fluidity, Low Shrinkage, Non Corrosive, Non-Metallic

    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Features & Benefits

    Applications & Uses

    Application Area
    Compatible Substrates & Surfaces

    All materials should be stored at 4°C to 27°C 24 hours prior to installation.
    Note: It is the responsibility of the installer/applicator to ensure the suitability of the product for its intended use.

    Job Mockups:

    The manufacturer requires that when its ProSpec® products are used in any application or as part of any system that includes other manufacturers’ products, the contractor and/or design professional shall test all the system components collectively for compatibility, performance and long-term intended use in accordance with pertinent and accepted industry standards prior to any construction.


    • Ideal mixed product temperature at placement is 18º- 21ºC, where the initial setting time is approximately 35 minutes. Hot temperatures will shorten setting time, while cold
    • temperatures will extend setting time.
    • Hot Weather: Keep Slab Dowel Grout cool. Mix Slab Dowel Grout using ice water to extend working time.
    • Cold Weather: Do not use antifreeze or accelerators and keep Slab Dowel Grout warm. Combine the warmed repar material with 32°C mixing water.
    1. Mix as close to the area being repaired as possible. Slab Dowel Grout requires only the addition of potable water.
    2. Use 4 qt (3.8 L) of clean potable water per 22.7 kg. Place the potable water into the mixing container and then while mixing add the grout.
    3. Slab Dowel Grout can be mixed in a mortar mixer or by using a paddle attached to a heavy duty 1/2" drill (650 RPM).
    4. Mix for 2-3 minutes to a lump-free consistency.
    5. Do not retemper or overwater.
    6. Ideal ambient, surface and material temperatures are in the range of 4°C - 38°C for mixing and placing.

    For application deeper than 5 cm, the Slab Dowel Grout should be extended by 60% by weight with pea gravel with an approximate size of 9.5 mm which is clean, SSD, and conforms to the requirements of ASTM C 33.


    Apply when air or substrate temperature is between 4°C and 38°C.

    • Slab Dowel Grout completes the structural connection between adjacent precast concrete slab on grade systems. It is a special pumpable rapid strength mix designed for filling and connecting dowels and must completely fill the inverted dovetail slots and do the job that cast in place concrete normally does. It must reach strength quickly and perform as well as cast-in-place concrete. Slab Dowel Grout minimizes down time and ensures durability.
    • Place immediately after mixing, working the grout firmly into the sides and bottom of the cavity eliminating air poickets and insuring bond and coverage. Slab Dowel Grout can also be placed by pumping. Because of the early strength gain, the grout must be pumped rapidly to avoid having the grout set-up in pump or hose. It is important to pre-test insuring that the technique and equipment is suitable for the task.
    • Install the Slab Dowel Grout by placing the hose nozzle in the back port of each slab until grout extrudes from the port near the joint. Continue pumping until the grout fills the joint. After several slots have been filled, monitor the grout level in previously grouted ports and add material as required.

    Caution: Do not drive on any freshly grouted slab with any construction eqipment or vehicle until the specified grout strength of 17.2 MPa has been reached. To do so may compromise future efficiency of load transfer between slabs. For Super Slab Systems® installations, follow installation instructions as outlined by the Fort Miller Co. Inc. Super Slab System® pertaining to precast concrete placement slab installation (518.695.5000).


    • Clean tools immediately before Slab Bedding Grout Rapid sets, typically 10-25 minutes.


    • Do not re-temper after mixing.
    • Do not overwater, add other cements or additives.
    • Do not exceed 2 inches in one lift.

    16 kg bag = 11.3L


    Physical Form
    Technical Data
    ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
    Working Time (at 70°F)30.0min-
    Set Time (at 45°F, initial set)approx. 50minASTM C 191
    Flow (5 drops)min. 145%ASTM C 1437
    Set Time (at 45°F, final set)approx. 50minASTM C 191
    set Time (at 45°F, initial set)approx. 50minASTM C 191
    Set Time (at 73°F, final set)approx. 45minASTM C 191
    set Time (at 73°F, initial set)approx. 35min-
    Set Time (at 73°F, initial set)approx. 35minASTM C 191
    set Time (at 45°F, final set)approx. 50min-
    set Time (at 73°F, final set)approx. 45min-
    Compressive Strength (at 45°F, moist cured, 2 hours)13.8MPaASTM C 109
    Compressive Strength (at 45°F, moist cured, 3 hours)20.7MPaASTM C 109
    Compressive Strength (at 45°F, moist cured, 1 day)31.0MPaASTM C 109
    Compressive Strength (at 45°F, moist cured, 7 days)44.8MPaASTM C 109
    Compressive Strength (at 45°F, moist cured, 28 days)48.3MPaASTM C 109
    Compressive Strength (at 73°F, moist cured, 2 hours)24.1MPa-
    Compressive Strength (at 73°F, moist cured, 3 hours)27.6MPa-
    Compressive Strength (at 73°F, moist cured, 1 day)41.4MPa-
    Compressive Strength (at 73°F, moist cured, 7 days)51.7MPa-
    Compressive Strength (at 73°F, moist cured, 28 days)65.5MPa-
    Linear Shrinkage (Water storage, 28 Days)0.04%-
    Linear Shrinkage (Airstorage, 28 Days)-0.01%-
    Linear Shrinkage (Differential, 28 Days)0.0005%-
    Bonding Strength (at 1 day)min. 3.5MPaCaltrans Test 551-part 5
    Bonding Strength (at 28 days)min. 4.1MPaCaltrans Test 551-part 5
    Flexural Strengthmin. 8.3MPaCaltrans Test 551-part 4
    Freeze Thaw Resistance (at 300 cycles)96.7%ASTM 666 Procedure A
    Abrasion Loss21.0gramCaltrans Test 550

    Regulatory & Compliance

    Quality Standards

    Technical Details & Test Data

    Product Data
    Freeze/Thaw - (7d/72°F/50% RH)
    NYDOT - 701-13F/502-3P

    10% NaCl Solution

    Loss after 25 cycles

    No loss (weight gain +1.43%)
    Condition of specimens: no visible degradation

    Loss after 50 cycles

    No loss (weight gain +2.38%)
    Condition of specimens: slight popping, <5%

    Freeze/Thaw Resistance
    ASTM 666 Procedure A

    Durability factor
    at 300 cycles 96.7

    Packaging & Availability

    Packaging Type
    Regional Availability
    • North America

    Storage & Handling

    Shelf Life
    12 Months
    Storage Condition

    Store in the original, unopened container, away from moisture, under cool, dry conditions and out of direct sunlight.