Swift®tak 3338 is a water-based adhesive that contains synthetic polymers. It has excellent adhesion to wet substrates, regardless of whether they have been treated or not, and is resistant to ice. It is also easy to wash off. This adhesive is designed for labeling returnable glass bottles and is suitable for both paper and metallized labels. It is commonly used in high-speed labeling equipment.

Product Type: Contact Adhesive, Waterborne Adhesive

Application Area: Bottles

Compatible Substrates & Surfaces: Glass, Metal, Paper

Application Method: Brush

Features: Cleanable, Condensation Water Resistance, Excellent Machinability, Excellent Wash-Off Properties, Fast Setting, Freeze Resistant, Ice Water Resistance, Improved Wet Film Adhesion, Wet Tack

Technical Data Sheet
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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Ready-to-Use Product Features
Key Benefits
  • Very good machinability, high wet tack, and fast setting
  • Excellent ice water resistance and very good condensation water resistance
  • Designed for One Way applications
Product Characteristics

Product presents high adhesion to wet substrates, with or without treatment, ice resistance and ease of washing.

Applications & Uses

Application Area
Application Method
Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
Typical Applications

Adhesive developed for returnable glass bottles labeling, suitable for paper labels and metallized, application in high-speed equipment.


Returnable glass bottles, suitable for paper and metallized labels.

Application Instructions
  • Surfaces must be free of dust, grease or oil. For manual gluing, be careful to keep the brush in water after use, thus avoiding dryness and supposed lumps for the gluing area.
  • The application must be verified for each specific case according to the following factors: Characteristics of the substrates, equipment, speed, amount of adhesive and the ambient temperature must be above 15° C.


Physical Form
Viscous liquid
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Machine Speedapprox. 65000bph-
Viscosity90000mPa.sBrookfield RVT
FilmMat and rigid--
Solids Content34%-
pH (at 25°C)8.1--

Packaging & Availability

Regional Availability
  • Europe (Excluding Russia)

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
12 Months
Storage Conditions

In the original packaging, well closed and protected from the sun, dust, humidity and high temperatures. Clean and dry place, temperature between 5°C and 35°C is advisable.